Happy (or not so happy) Mother's Day: Remember Us

Happy (or not so happy) Mother's Day: Remember Us

Friends that are waiting, hang in there. Persevere! Declare today, Mother’s Day, to be the day the Lord has made and give Him all the glory and praise. I know this is so hard and completely against what we want to do, but our Lord is the same as He was yesterday, the same as He is today, and the same as He promises to be forever. 

And to my dear Mother friends, Let me urge you - please remember us!

Yes, we want to celebrate your beautiful children with you and the fact that you are a mom. We are overjoyed with you and sincerely love your kids. But that doesn’t take away the sting of today. We desire so deeply to be celebrating alongside of you and with you; but we can’t and it’s completely out of our control. 

-Waiting in HOPE- Happy (or not so happy) Mother's Day: Remember Us

Happy (or not so happy) Mother's Day: Rugged Hope

Happy (or not so happy) Mother's Day: Rugged Hope

It's almost Mother's Day, again. Many will celebrate and rightly so. If anyone knows what a gift motherhood is, it's us. We long for mommyhood. Our stories look different, but our heartaches are all the dame. You're not alone. I'm thinking of you especially on this day. I've been there. As your emotions attempt to consume, let me set your mind on our Rugged Hope.

-Waiting in HOPE- Happy (or not so happy) Mother's Day: Rugged Hope

National Infertility Awareness Week : Day 6 : Hope

National Infertility Awareness Week : Day 6 : Hope

This isn’t just any kind of hope – it’s an expectant hope - not the kind that makes us stay in a place of wishful thinking, doubt, and frustration. A hope that draws us closer to Jesus and that our souls find rest in. Not a hope that expects only a YES from God, but one that knows He has plans for us and our future kids (biological or adopted).

-Waiting in HOPE- National Infertility Awareness Week : Day 6 : Hope