How To Get Unstuck

It was 6AM, and my eyes were heavy as I tried to make sense of the Scripture passage laid out in front of me. For a long time, my habit was to wake up early enough to do my inductive Bible study. But a couple years ago, whenever I opened my Bible, I felt as though I was staring at blank pages. My heart and head weren’t in it. God seemed distant and I felt stuck. 

Yet, God’s Word assures us that He is never distant. He is always with us, even when our feelings speak differently. He is always near to us but we must also make an effort to draw near to Him (Philippians 4:4-6). We must demonstrate our faith and trust by actively and intentionally seeking God (Matthew 6:33).

As a follower of Christ who has been stuck, my advice and encouragement is to keep drawing near to God. Even when you feel stuck and the conversation feels one-sided, keep seeking Him.

That said, sometimes we need to change things up a little bit and this non-exhaustive list of 5 tips can help: 

  • Change up devotional patterns. If you’re doing the same thing you’ve been doing for years, maybe it’s time to spice things up. For example, add praying through the Psalms to your routine, or read a book of the Bible you’ve never read. Change the time of day or setting where you do devotions. It doesn’t have to be at sunrise with a fresh cup of coffee. Try listening to Scripture while exercising. 

  • Go through a Bible Study or use a new method. There’s no shame in seeking guidance. I myself like to ask four main questions: What does it say? What does it mean? How does it reflect God’s character? What do I do now? 

  • Seek accountability. As a teen I’d roll my eyes at the phrase “accountability partner.” It never worked, but it didn’t work because neither of us were intentional. Find a friend or mentor who will truly study and process with you. 

  • Keep a prayer journal. As with Bible studies, there are excellent prayer journals available to help you think through prayer patterns, or you can make your own. 

  • Observe nature. Perhaps this one is for certain personalities, but I find that reflection of God and nature is one of the best ways to seek spiritual rejuvenation. Everywhere in nature, we can see the creativity and beauty of our Creator God. Look for it. Ask Him to revive your spirit. 

The challenges and struggles of waiting for children are apt to make us feel stuck. The disappointment, sadness, appointments, paperwork, cycle waiting, financial strain and more are enough to make our wells run dry and cause us to feel distant from God. But remember that God helps us survive these difficult trials and as we draw near to Him, He is near to us. It may take time for things to change when we feel stuck, but God will not fail us. Work to get “unstuck” and draw near, for He is near. 

... Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need,” Hebrews 4:14.

Kelly Ottaway is a contributor for WiH and enjoys ministering to others dealing with infertility, loss, and waiting. Kelly is a Licensed Professional Counselor and lives in Ontario with her husband and their two children who were adopted as embryos. Kelly enjoys writing, especially about infertility, mental health, theology, and gardening. 


-Waiting in HOPE- How To Get Unstuck