Surviving (all) the Holidays

Surviving (all) the Holidays

Infertility, loss, and waiting are difficult enough without the constant reminders blaring bright red and green on your fridge in the form of effortlessly growing families. So, the big questions we are asking ourselves: how do we still celebrate the holidays? How do we survive without losing our mind or falling apart? We can do more than simply survive this season.

-Waiting in HOPE- Surviving (all) the Holidays

MEET WiH TEAM | Real People. Real Life. Real Hope | Jenn Hesse

MEET WiH TEAM | Real People. Real Life. Real Hope | Jenn Hesse

New team member shares her own journey… As I was waiting, though I didn’t doubt God’s existence, I questioned His goodness, planting this intense desire in my heart while not enabling me to fulfill it. Despite my distrust, He led me through grief and showed me far more goodness He had in store for this season. By His divine orchestration, He brought new friends into my life to shoulder the burden of infertility and to use my pain for His glory.

-Waiting in HOPE- MEET WiH TEAM | Real People. Real Life. Real Hope | Jenn Hesse

Patience in the Pit of Grief

Patience in the Pit of Grief

A story of loss and seeing God’s redemption and overwhelming pursuit in the midst of grief.

Grief is messy. Processing the grief was messy. When is it ever not messy?

My husband had reached the point of being “okay” about a week later. And that’s okay. I never felt like he expected me to bounce back like he did. He knew I was sad and he stayed right with me. He gave me this picture: It felt like we both fell into a deep pit and just laid there, hurting, and needed time to recover. He was able to sit up and find the ladder to start climbing out. He climbed out but stayed at the top, patiently waiting for me…

-Waiting in HOPE- Patience in the Pit of Grief

Cling To The God Who Satisfies Every Desire

Cling To The God Who Satisfies Every Desire

"When we feel our longing in the deepest part of our soul—when it sharply grieves us—when our first response is How long, O Lord? let it take us to the God who satisfies all desires with himself."

-Waiting in HOPE- Cling To The God Who Satisfies Every Desire