To the Church about Mother's Day

To the Church about Mother's Day

Dear pastors, Thanks for all you do to shepherd our churches. We know it's not easy work, and we're grateful for the sacrifices you make to love and serve us. With Mother's Day coming, we want to share something you might not realize. Mother's Day Sunday is wonderful and important ... and incredibly painful. Here are some ideas and thoughts for those that are not mothers.

-Waiting in HOPE- To the Church about Mother's Day

Why Does National Infertility Awareness Matter?

Why Does National Infertility Awareness Matter?

So, why does National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) even matter? If you’re part of the 1 in 8 couples affected by infertility like me and my husband, or 1 in 4 hurt by miscarriage and loss, then you understand why.

-Waiting in HOPE- Why Does National Infertility Awareness Matter?