Good Book: The Infertility Companion

Whether you’ve been waiting a while or just started to realize “this might be harder than I originally thought,” it doesn’t take long to realize we all need a companion on this journey of infertility. At the deepest level, we all want to know where to go, and to be seen, known, understood, and guided. Many of us feel lost and lonely. Some friends have described their experiences like a hurricane that wrecked their plans and left them dazed in the swirl of emotions and uncertainty. 

In The Infertility Companion: Hope and Help for Couples Facing Infertility, Sandra L. Glahn, Th.M. and William R. Cutrer, M.D. offer the companionship we desperately need in our journey. With the authors’ theological training and endorsement from the Christian Medical Association, this book serves as an all-encompassing infertility manual, full of practical and sound advice gleaned from years in the trenches helping infertile couples. As Sandra Glahn weaves her personal story throughout the chapters, we see how the authors honestly grapple with the ethical and theological questions that infertility and medical intervention bring to light. They consistently point to a personal source to respond to the extensive and life-changing aspects of infertility.

As a national Christian infertility support ministry that creates local support groups throughout the country, Waiting in Hope believes in the need for companionship as well as medical guidance, particularly from a biblical perspective.

It’s so easy to get lost today in the cultural norms and medical fertility paths laid out before us simply because the doctor “said so.” Yet as Christians, we are held to a higher standard to follow God’s heart, values, and will for our lives. I personally struggled with this, and was grateful to find what I considered my personal field guide as I fought through the whirlwind and challenges of my infertility while desiring to honor the Lord.

I’m grateful for this book as it has helped Waiting in Hope Ministries, myself, and countless couples seek wise counsel and a biblical insight on the tough spiritual and ethical questions that are inherent within fertility treatments. This is why we’ve endorsed and highly recommended this book for years. It’s an essential resource for women and couples at the start of their journey and before they seek medical assistance. 

Kelley Ramsey - Founder + Visionary -

She has a passion for seeing more women and couples find their true source of hope in pain. Through her own journey of years of waiting, infertility treatment, endometriosis, surgeries, miscarriages, roadblocks, biopsies, adoption dreams, and a calling to step out and share. Waiting in Hope was started. It was in finding purpose in her painful journey, that Kelley has seen joy and hope take root and grow blooms of healing in her heart and thousands of others. Jesus meets us full of grace and comfort as we walk beside each other hand in hand through the pains of life.

-Waiting in HOPE- Good Book: The Infertility Companion